In July 2011, FSANZ undertook a small program to estimate the average volumes for a range of takeaway coffee cup sizes available that were likely to be reported during the 2011-13 Australian Health Survey (AHS). As naming of cups sizes is not standard, FSANZ also collected this data to assist in the interpretation of measures reported in the AHS.
Empty coffee cups were collected from a range of cafe, takeaway and chain outlets around Canberra and their size description recorded. A total of 38 takeaway coffee cups were collected from 15 outlets. Each cup was then filled to the brim with water and weighed to determine the capacity of each cup and thus the amount of the beverage that would be theoretically consumed.
Additional takeaway cups were collected for a small number of other beverages which may be reported in takeaway cups during the AHS such as soft drinks, smoothies and milkshakes.
The volume of each coffee cup collected from this program is recorded in Table 1, against the relevant cup descriptor.
Table 1 Volumes of manually weighed takeaway coffee cups
Takeaway cup size (mL) |
small |
medium/regular |
large |
extra large |
Cafe 1 |
280 |
367 |
Cafe 2 |
270 |
420 |
Cafe 3 |
278 |
412 |
Cafe 4 |
290 |
368 |
Cafe 5 |
270 |
425 |
Cafe 6 |
290 |
378 |
500 |
Cafe 7 |
280 |
373 |
Cafe 8 |
288 |
380 |
Cafe 9 |
286 |
376 |
Donut King |
280 |
411 |
520 |
Gloria Jean's |
280 |
400 |
500 |
Jamaica Blue |
295 |
415 |
485 |
600 |
Michel's Patisserie |
280 |
402 |
510 |
Muffin Break |
290 |
400 |
495 |
The Coffee Club |
290 |
397 |
490 |
A range of capacities were observed across all size descriptions, and as such measures were combined in various ways to determine an average volume for each coffee cup descriptor. The results for all small and medium coffee cups were averaged to create a single measure for 'takeaway cup, medium/regular/small'. The measure for 'takeaway cup, large' was an average of all medium and large volumes, while the measure for 'takeaway cup, extra large' was an average of all medium, large and extra large volumes.
Independent cafe or takeaway outlets versus chain stores
A small coffee cup from an independent cafe or takeaway outlet held 281 mL on average compared to 286 mL for chain stores. Similar patterns were seen for average volumes of both medium and large cups. As such, measures for takeaway coffees in the measures database were not differentiated based on the outlet type.
Updates to the measures database
FSANZ used the average volume for each of the cup sizes multiplied by the density of each individual beverage to determine standard weights for beverages reported as a takeaway coffee cup during the AHS.
Manually weighed volumes for other beverage types assessed as part of this program were used to confirm published values.
The results of the takeaway beverage measures program have given FSANZ an improved level of confidence about the measures assigned to takeaway beverages reported during the AHS.