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Labelling review recommendations 6 and 47



(May 2017)

In 2011, an independent review of food labelling included two recommendations relating to food safety labelling elements and the labelling of food allergens.

Recommendation 6 was that the food safety elements on the food label be reviewed with the aim to maximise the effectiveness of food safety communication.

Recommendation 47 was that warning and advisory statements be emboldened and allergens emboldened both in the ingredients list and in a separate list.

In response to recommendation 6, ministers asked FSANZ to undertake a technical evaluation and provide advice on the food safety elements on food labels.

In responding to recommendation 47, ministers asked FSANZ to undertake a technical evaluation and provide advice, including advice on the benefits of mandatory requirements compared with the cost burden imposed by design limitations.

See the full response from ministers

FSANZ has completed its technical evaluation for both of these recommendations and provided advice to ministers.


At a meeting in November 2016, ministers agreed that in relation to allergen labelling, further work be undertaken by FSANZ through the Allergen Collaboration to promote the uptake of voluntary labelling initiatives and that a report be provided to ministers within 12 months. Ministers also acknowledged the work to date by industry.

Page last updated: 12 May 2017