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NPC reference list


The references on this page was compiled in August 2011.

  1. Brand Miller J, James KW and Maggiore P. (1993) Tables of Composition of Australian Aboriginal Foods. Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press.
  2. United States Department of Agriculture National Nutrient Databank for Standard Reference. (2006) Release 19.
  3. United States Department of Agriculture National Nutrient Databank for Standard Reference. (2010) Release 23.
  4. Athar N, McLaughlin J and Taylor G. (2003) The Concise New Zealand Food Composition Tables. 6th edition. Palmerston North: New Zealand Institute of Plant and Food Research and The New Zealand Ministry of Health.
  5. New Zealand Institute of Plant and Food Research (2009) The Concise New Zealand Food Composition Tables. 8th edition. Palmerston North: New Zealand Institute of Plant and Food Research and The New Zealand Ministry of Health,
  6. Danish Food Composition Databank. (Version 7.01, 2009) National Food Institute. Technical University of Denmark.
  7. Food Standards Australia New Zealand. (2011) NUTTAB 2010 – Australian Food Composition Tables. Canberra: Food Standards Australia New Zealand.
  8. Food Standards Australia New Zealand. (2008) AUSNUT 2007 – Australian Food, Supplement and Nutrient Database for Estimation of Population Nutrient Intakes. Canberra: Food Standards Australia New Zealand.
  9. Food Standards Australia New Zealand. (June 2011, Amendment 123) Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code. 
  10. Food Standards Australia New Zealand. (2011) User Guide to Standard 1.2.8 - Nutrition Information Requirements. 
  11. Food Standards Australia New Zealand. (2007) NUTTAB 2006 – Australian Food Composition Tables. Canberra: Food Standards Australia New Zealand.
  12. Australia New Zealand Food Authority. (2004) AUSNUT Special Edition (3) (Australian Food and Nutrient Database for Nutrition Labelling – Release 3). Canberra: Australia New Zealand Food Authority.
  13. Chan W et al. 1991. Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food. Vegetables, Herbs and Spices: The Fifth Supplement to McCance and Widdowson's The Composition of Foods (4th edition). Royal Society of Chemistry/MAFF. Cambridge.
  14. United States Department of Agriculture Table of Nutrient Retention Factors. (2003) Release 5.
  15. National Food Authority. 1989-95. Composition of Foods, Australia, volumes 1-7. Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service.
  16. Australia New Zealand Food Authority. (1999) AUSNUT - Australian Food and Nutrient Database 1999 [compact disc]. Canberra: Australia New Zealand Food Authority.
  17. Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA). (2008)
  18. O’Neil MJ (Editor). (2006) The Merck Index: An Encyclopaedia of Chemicals, Drugs, and Biologicals. 14th edition. Merck and Co. Inc. USA.
  19. Bergstroem L. (1985) Nutrient Losses and Gains in the Preparation of Foods. Eurofoods. Sweden.
  20. Bognár A. (2002) Tables of Weight Yield of Food and Retention Factors of Food Constituents for the Calculation of Nutrition Composition of Cooked Foods (Dishes). Bundesforschungsanstalt für Ernährung. Karlsruhe.
  21. Chan W et al. (1991b) Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food. Vegetables, Herbs and Spices: The Fifth Supplement to McCance and Widdowson's The Composition of Foods. 4th edition. Royal Society of Chemistry/MAFF. Cambridge.
  22. Chan W et al. (1994) Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food. Miscellaneous Foods: The Fourth Supplement to McCance and Widdowson's The Composition of Foods. 5th edition. Royal Society of Chemistry/MAFF. Cambridge.
  23. Chan W et al. (1996) Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food. Meat Products and Dishes: The Sixth Supplement to McCance and Widdowson's The Composition of Foods. 5th edition. Royal Society of Chemistry/MAFF. Cambridge.
  24. Holland B et al. (1988) Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food. Cereal and Cereal Products: The Third Supplement to McCance and Widdowson's The Composition of Foods. 4th edition. Royal Society of Chemistry/MAFF. Cambridge.
  25. Holland B et al. (1989) Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food. Milk Products and Eggs: The Fourth Supplement to McCance and Widdowson's The Composition of Foods. 4th edition. Royal Society of Chemistry/MAFF. Cambridge.
  26. Holland B et al. (1991) Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food. McCance and Widdowson's The Composition of Foods. 5th edition. Royal Society of Chemistry/MAFF. Cambridge.
  27. Holland B et al. (1993) Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food. Fish and Fish Products: The Third Supplement to McCance and Widdowson's The Composition of Foods. 5th edition. Royal Society of Chemistry/MAFF. Cambridge.
  28. Mathews RH and Garrison YJ. (1975) Food Yields Summarized by Different Stages of Preparation. US Department of Agriculture.
  29. Australian Nutrient Databank. (1980) National Food Authority. Canberra.
  30. US Department of Agriculture. (1976-1990) Composition of Foods: Raw, Processed, Prepared. Agriculture Handbook Number 8. Sections 1-21. Washington DC.
Page last updated: 25 September 2023