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Data provided by food companies and organisations


Vitamin D content in Australian foods

In 2018 and 2019, Curtin University commissioned analyses of the vitamin D content of Australian foods, supported by the National Health and Medical Research Council (GNT1140611). FSANZ did not provide any funding for these analyses and was not involved with the collection of samples, quality assurance processes or data validation. FSANZ would like to thank Curtin University for making these data available.

Download the Vitamin D in Australian foods report (word 633kb)


Gravy beef and beef osso bucco

In January 2016, Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) commissioned analyses on the nutrient composition of raw and cooked gravy beef and beef osso bucco. MLA is a producer-owned, not-for-profit organisation that delivers research, development and marketing services to Australia's red meat industry. FSANZ did not provide any funding for these analyses and was not involved with the collection of samples, quality assurance processes or data validation. FSANZ would like to thank Meat & Livestock Australia for making this data available.

Industry Report - Gravy beef and osso buco (word 1.08mb) | (pdf 143kb)

Vitamin D mushrooms

In April 2015, the Australian Mushroom Growers Association submitted retail mushroom samples for analysis by the National Measurement Institute (NMI) for the vitamin D content of both regular and vitamin D enriched mushrooms. FSANZ did not provide any funding for these analyses and was not involved with the collection of samples or analytical processes. The data underwent FSANZ internal quality assurance and data validation processes prior to preparation of this report. FSANZ would like to thank the Australian Mushroom Growers Association for making this data available.

Download the Vitamin D Mushrooms report (pdf 117kb) | (word 516kb)


Australian Sweet Lupin 

In August 2014, FSANZ received new nutrient composition data for three lupin samples - whole lupin, split lupin and flaked lupin. The analyses for these samples were conducted by Grain Growers Ltd with support from Co-operative Bulk Handling Limited (CBH), Lupin Foods Australia and the Grains & Legumes Nutrition Council (GLNC). FSANZ did not provide any funding for these analyses and was not involved with the collection of samples, quality assurance processes or data validation. FSANZ would like to thank Grain Growers Ltd, CBH, Lupin Foods Australia and GLNC for making this data available.

Resistant starch and fibre

In 2013, FSANZ received new composite data for total dietary fibre, soluble fibre, insoluble fibre and resistant starch in a range of foods. The analyses for these foods were conducted by Grain Growers Ltd with support from Goodman Fielder Ltd and Ingredion ANZ Pty Ltd. FSANZ did not provide any funding for these analyses. Nor was FSANZ involved with the collection of samples, quality assurance processes or data validation. FSANZ has only provided food names to reflect more closely the foods that made up each composite sample that was analysed. The original food sample details, including preparation, are included in the total dietary fibre, soluble fibre, insoluble fibre and resistant starch data file (resistant starch and fibre data.xls). The data are reported on a per 100g edible portion basis and where possible, FSANZ has also included a matching NUTTAB2010 food name and ID. FSANZ would like to thank Goodman Fielder, Grain Growers Ltd and Ingredion ANZ Pty Ltd for making this data available.



Page last updated: 1 March 2022