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Food safety culture in action


We have examples of how food regulators and businesses are improving food safety culture. They include a range of activities and insights on how to introduce and embed food safety in people's minds and behaviours.

Examples from regulators 

Dairy Food Safety Victoria (DSFV): Dairy RegTech initiative

DFSV has incorporated assessment of food safety culture into their operational framework. Their Dairy RegTech initiative combines data analytics and culture assessment to deliver a different way to monitor food safety compliance. It's helped them gain a greater focus on people and behaviour to encourage improvement. Read more about their experience on the Dairy Food Safety Victoria website.

Northern Territory Health: Environmental Health Officers are food safety coaches

Environmental Health Officers describe their roles as food safety coaches and list features of food safety culture (both strong and poor) in businesses they inspect. Read more in 'A northern territory perspective' in our 1st Edition - Winter 2017 issue of Food Safety Culture Connections.

Victorian council: Providing face-to-face support for new businesses

A local council developed a business application process for new businesses, to set them off on the right foot. It included free face-to-face discussions on business proposals, support and guidance on permit requirements, food safety and compliance. Read more in 'Recipe for success - Time spent up front is time well spent' in our 4th Edition - Winter 2019 issue of Food Safety Culture Connections.

South Australian council: Celebrating a food safety champion

A local council celebrates with a food business that introduced a food safety champion, leading to a marked improvement in its food safety performance. Read more in 'Culture changers: Celebrating food safety champions' in our 5th Edition - Autumn 2020 issue of Food Safety Culture Connections.

Industry insights into food safety culture

Sweethearts Cakes

Sweethearts Cakes bakery is a busy small business that has developed easy 'make-sense systems' that their team understands, can follow and record what is required. Read about their food safety plan approach, allergen management and more in 'Recipe for success - Sweethearts Cakes' in our 6th Edition - Spring 2020 issue of Food Safety Culture Connections.

One Harvest

Major fresh salad producer One Harvest explains the systematic approach they take with their people, processes and communication to embed a strong food safety culture. Read more in 'Recipe for success - One Harvest's approach' in our 5th Edition - Autumn 2020 issue of Food Safety Culture Connections.


Dairy manufacturer Chobani recommends four key aspects for a successful food safety culture. These include leadership, communicating with your consumers, factory staff doing the right thing, and focusing on your supply chain. 


To improve food safety or quality culture, it is crucial that you can measure the baseline, target level and incremental improvements in maturity. Simplot measures these through food safety and quality awareness, roles and responsibilities, cross-functional ownership of food safety and quality outcomes and decision-making authority. Read more in 'Recipe for success - Simplot Australia's keys to improving culture' in our 2nd Edition - Summer 2018 issue of Food Safety Culture Connections.

A catering company

One of the biggest challenges this company faces is with staff turnover and keeping food safety front of mind. They describe their approach on training and short regular meetings to strengthen and embed their culture. Read more in 'Recipe for success - A catering company's story' in our 1st Edition - Winter 2017 issue of Food Safety Culture Connections.

More industry insights

Fonterra, One Harvest and SunFresh provided Woolworths with insights on food safety culture. Read more in 'code of practice and case studies' in 5th Edition - Autumn 2020 issue of Food Safety Culture Connections.

Page last updated: 9 April 2021