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Pre-application assistance


We encourage you to contact us for assistance before you formally submit an application.

Requesting pre-application assistance (including providing a draft application to FSANZ) is not a requirement under the FSANZ Act 1991. However, it can help ensure your application contains the information described in the FSANZ Act 1991. Please note that:

  • FSANZ will not prepare and write an application for you. Nor will we generate and provide data to support your application.
  • Requesting pre-application assistance and providing a draft application does not guarantee your application will be accepted by FSANZ once formally submitted.
  • Any information or comments provided by FSANZ at the pre-application stage are not legally binding and are not an authoritative statement as to the likely outcome of an assessment of your application.
  • All pre-application information provided to FSANZ, including draft applications, will be treated as confidential.

1. Requesting pre-application assistance from FSANZ

2. Preparing your draft application

  • Read the FSANZ Application Handbook. Your draft application needs to be thorough and not a working draft. It also needs to be consistent with the relevant guidelines in the Application Handbook except:
    • Cited reference papers do not need to be included until an application is formally submitted, but scientific literature search and a list of references should be included
    • A statutory declaration is not needed until an application is formally submitted.
  • If you need advice to prepare your draft application, you can contact a consultant or legal professional with expertise in Code requirements and the FSANZ application process. 

3. Providing your draft application to FSANZ

If you would like to request one lot of written comments and a meeting with FSANZ to provide further information and comment on your draft application:

Page last updated: 18 March 2020