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Status of country BSE food safety risk assessments


​​The Australian Government's BSE food safety policy 2009 requires that all countries exporting or seeking to export beef or beef products to Australia have a food safety risk assessment undertaken by Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ). ​

The FSANZ risk assessment includes a desk assessment and an in-country verification assessment. It examines the effectiveness of BSE-related controls throughout the beef production chain in the applicant country including animal feeding practices, transportation, animal identification and traceability, slaughtering, and food safety and food recall systems. ​

Countries categorised as either Category 1 or 2 are eligible to export beef and beef products to Australia subject to the relevant certification requirements. ​

Category 1 status means there are comprehensive and well-established controls to prevent both the introduction and amplification of the BSE agent in a country's cattle population, and contamination of the human food supply with the BSE agent.​

Category 2 status means that countries have effectively implemented and complied with appropriate BSE controls to prevent both the introduction and amplification of the BSE agent in a country's cattle population, and contamination of the human food supply with the BSE agent.​

Country Assessment status Category Assessment report
New Zealand

Assessment completed

(November 2011)

Category 1 New Zealand BSE Food Safety Assessment Report (pdf 874 kb) 

Assessment completed

(November 2012)

Category 1 Netherlands BSE Food Safety Assessment Report (pdf 615 kb) 

Assessment completed

(November 2012)

Category 1


Vanuatu BSE Food Safety Assessment Report (pdf 497 kb) 

Assessment completed

(June 2017)​

Category 1 Croatia BSE Food Safety Assessment Report (pdf 1.39mb) 

Assessment completed

(July 2013, upgraded June 2014)

Category 1 Latvia BSE Food Safety Assessment Report (pdf 1062 kb) 

Assessment completed

(July 2013)

Category 1 Lithuania BSE Food Safety Assessment Report (pdf 873 kb)

Assessment completed 

(March 2014)

Category 1 Chile BSE Food Safety Assessment Report (pdf 1168kb)

Assessment completed

(June 2014)

Category 1 Brazil BSE Food Safety Assessment Report (pdf 1151kb)

Assessment completed​

(September 2014)​

Category 1​ Mexico BSE Food Safety Assessment Report (pdf 1279kb
United States

Assessment completed

(May 2015)​

Category 1 United States BSE Food Safety Assessment Report (pdf 978kb)

Assessment completed

(June 2015)

Category 1​

Argentina BSE Food Safety Assessment Report (pdf 1500kb)

Assessment completed

(September 2015)

Category 1 Japan BSE Food Safety Assessment Report (pdf 1.83mb)
Sweden Assessment completed (August 2016) Category 1 Sweden BSE Food Safety Assessment Report (pdf 1.43mb)
Canada Assessment completed (July 2024) Category 1 Canada Food Safety Assessment Report (pdf 1.43mb)
Page last updated: 14 June 2017