FSANZ actively participates in international activities related to biotechnology and GM food safety assessment and regulation. A key part of this engagement involves collaboration with overseas agencies which is crucial for developing harmonised approaches to the safety assessment of food derived from modern biotechnologies. This engagement also facilitates the exchange of information and best practices between countries and agencies, and provides opportunities to increase the efficiency of GM food safety assessments.
OECD Working Party for the Safety of Novel Foods and Feeds
The OECD Working Party for the Safety of Novel Foods and Feeds (WP-SNFF) promotes international harmonisation in the safety assessment of novel foods and feeds, especially products of modern biotechnology. The WP-SNFF is the only international forum that currently exists for governments to exchange information on GM food assessment and regulation, and to collaborate on projects that promote international harmonisation in GM food safety assessment.
FSANZ has represented Australia at WP-SNFF since 1999 and has led a number of pieces of work, including the development of consensus documents on compositional considerations for new varieties of wheat, sugarcane and cowpea.
More recently Health Canada and FSANZ collaborated to develop a consensus document on Considerations for Collaborative Work on the Safety Assessment of Foods and Feeds derived from Recombinant DNA Plants (PDF 539KB).
Health Canada – Shared Assessment Process
FSANZ and Health Canada (HC) have implemented a collaborative arrangement regarding the pre-market safety assessment of GM foods: the HC-FSANZ Shared Assessment Process.
The Shared Assessment Process was developed through more than 10 years of collaboration, building on a long history of information-sharing between the two agencies, and aims to provide time and resource savings for the agencies, as well as improved alignment and efficiency in the GM food authorisation process for both Canada and Australia/New Zealand.
More information about the Shared Assessment Process and its implementation is available.
Applicants interested in submitting a product for assessment under the Shared Assessment Process should refer to Information for Applicants or more explanation about the process.
APEC High Level Policy Dialogue on Agricultural Biotechnology
FSANZ regularly contributes to the APEC High Level Policy Dialogue on Agricultural Biotechnology (HLPDAB). The HLPDAB provides a means for APEC member economies to develop regulatory frameworks, encourage investment and strengthen public confidence in biotechnology, with the ultimate objective of promoting food security. For more information about the HLPDAB, visit the APEC website.
World Health Organization and the Food and Agricultural Organization
FSANZ experts are often invited to participate in Joint Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) expert consultations and technical working groups related to GM foods and biotechnology more broadly.
Examples where FSANZ has participated include FAO/WHO expert consultations on the safety assessment of foods derived from GM animals, an FAO expert group convened to develop a communication toolkit on food biotechnologies, and an FAO/WHO informal Technical Working Group (TWG) on cell-based food and precision fermentation.
International workshops and events
FSANZ experts are regularly invited to attend and present at international workshops and events related to biotechnology. Attendance at such forums enables FSANZ to keep up-to-date with the latest scientific information and developments in biotechnology regulation around the world. These forums are also an opportunity for FSANZ to share knowledge and expertise with counterparts overseas.