In 2011, an independent review of food labelling recommended that Australia's existing mandatory country of origin labelling (CoOL) requirements for food be maintained and be extended to cover all primary food products for retail sale (recommendation 40).
In response, ministers responsible for food regulation asked FSANZ to continue an existing proposal that would extend CoOL requirements to unpackaged beef, veal, lamb, hogget, mutton and chicken and to develop a further proposal to extend CoOL to all other primary food products.
Country of origin labelling requirements were extended to unpackaged beef, veal, lamb, hogget, mutton and chicken in Australia in July 2013. Read the proposal documents.
Other primary foods
FSANZ undertook an analysis to identify the remaining primary food products that do not require CoOL and would be affected if recommendation 40 were to be fully implemented.
At their meeting in June 2014, ministers considered this analysis and agreed that FSANZ should not prepare a proposal to extend country of origin labelling to all other primary food products.
Download the analysis (pdf 248kb) (word 78kb)
Read more about the labelling review and FSANZ work on recommendations