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AUSNUT 2011-13 dietary supplement recipe file


The dietary supplement recipe file contains information about the ingredients used to create nutrient profiles for 'not further defined' dietary supplements in AUSNUT 2011-13, as set out in Table 8.

Table 8: Summary of information included in the Recipe File

Column Heading
Description of data
Dietary Supplement ID AHS specific numeric dietary supplement identification code.
Classification code AHS specific 5-digit numeric classification code
Dietary Supplement Name General name used to describe the dietary supplement. May include information on the general category description, brand and dose.
Ingredient Survey ID AHS specific numeric dietary supplement identification code.
Ingredient Name Identifies as accurately as possible the food or beverage used as the ingredient.
Ingredient Weight (g) Weight of the ingredient in grams.
Dosage unit Describes the form in which the dietary supplement is typically supplied e.g. tablet or capsule
Page last updated: 22 September 2014