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AUSNUT 2011-13 food retention factor file


The food retention factor file contains information on the nutrient retention factors used in recipe calculations reported in AUSNUT 2011-13, as set out in Table 4.

The nutrient retention factors used in AUSNUT 2011-13 have been derived largely from United States Department of Agriculture databases.

Table 4: Summary of information included in the Retention Factor File

Column heading
Description of data
Retention Factor ID Numeric retention factor identification code.
Retention Factor Description Name commonly used to describe the food and preparation/cooking method.
Original USDA Retention Factor Description
The retention factor description as originally reported in the USDA database.

Nutrient Name

Describes the full nutrient name the retention factor is related to e.g. Thiamin. A value is then provided for each retention factor and nutrient.



Page last updated: 23 September 2014