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AUSNUT 2011-13 data files


AUSNUT 2011-13 was developed to enable food, dietary supplement and nutrient intake estimates from the 2011-13 Australian Health Survey (AHS).

  • It was first published on 9 May 2014 and included data related to the National Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey (NNPAS) component of the AHS only.
  • It was updated in September 2014 to include additional data related to the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey component of the AHS.
  • It was updated on 27 April 2016 to include additional data for added sugars and free sugars in the food nutrient database

For more details click on the files below.

AUSNUT 2011-13 food details file

The food details file contains non-nutrient information on the 5,740 foods for which nutrient data were prepared for AUSNUT 2011-13, to support the 2011-13 Australian Health Survey (AHS) as set out in Table 1.

Table 1: Summary of information published in the 'Food Details File'

Column heading Description of data
Food ID FSANZ specific 8-digit alpha numeric food identification code.
Survey ID AHS specific 8-digit numeric food identification code.
Food Derivation Describes how the majority of nutrient data were generated for each food. Includes descriptions such as analysed, recipe, borrowed and label data.
Food Name Identifies as accurately as possible the food or beverage consumed during the AHS.
Food Description Provides detailed information about the food or beverage, including its appearance, texture, production and preparation.
Survey flag Identifies foods that are specific to certain components of the AHS such as the National Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey (NNPAS) and the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanded Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey (NATSINPAS).  If the field is blank then the food is relevant to both components of the AHS. 
Inclusions Provides detailed information about the food or beverages included in each food identification code for the AHS.
Exclusions Provides detailed information about specific foods or beverages that were not included in each food identification code.
Food Sampling Details Provides detailed information on the origin of the nutrient data, such as the number of samples purchased for analysis, the date and place of purchase, basis for imputation or borrowing of data. Sampling details are not provided for recipe foods.
Nitrogen Factor Used to calculate protein content.
Note that all foods with a derivation of recipe have been allocated a nitrogen factor of 0 by default, as individual nitrogen factors have been applied at the ingredient level.
Fat Factor Used to calculate mass of fatty acids, together with other data.
Note that all foods with a derivation of recipe have been allocated a fat factor of 0 by default, as individual fat factors have been applied at the ingredient level.
Specific Gravity Density of a substance relative to that of water (grams per millilitre); provided for liquid foods. Note that all solid foods have been allocated a specific gravity of 0 by default.
Edible Portion Describes the portion of the food that is typically consumed.
Inedible Portion Describes the portion of the food that is typically not consumed.

AUSNUT 2011-13 food nutrient database

The food nutrient database contains information on the nutrient content of the 5,740 foods for which nutrient data were prepared for AUSNUT 2011-13, to support the 2011-13 Australian Health Survey (AHS) as set out in Table 2.

The file contains 53 nutrient values reported for each food (now including added sugars and free sugars). Each nutrient value is presented on a per 100 g edible portion basis.

Table 2: Summary of information included in the 'Food Nutrient Database'

Column Heading Description of data
Food ID FSANZ specific 8-digit alpha numeric food identification code.
Survey ID AHS specific 8-digit numeric food identification code.
Food Name Identifies as accurately as possible the food or beverage consumed during the AHS.
Survey flag Identifies foods that are specific to certain components of the AHS such as the National Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey (NNPAS) and the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanded Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey (NATSINPAS).  If the field is blank then the food is relevant to both components of the AHS. 
Nutrient Name (units) Describes the full nutrient name of each of the nutrients e.g. 'Protein' and includes the units the nutrient is presented in e.g. '(g)' for grams. A value is then provided for each food and nutrient.

AUSNUT 2011-13 food recipe file

The food recipe file contains information about the ingredients used in a food in AUSNUT 2011-13 when the nutrient data were derived using a recipe reported, as set out in Table 3.

Note: the nutrient retention factors contained in this file are identified by code number only. More detailed information on the retention factors used in recipe foods can be found in the Food Retention Factor file.

Table 3: Summary of information included in the Recipe File

Column Heading Description of data
Food ID FSANZ specific 8-digit alpha numeric food identification code.
Survey ID AHS specific 8-digit numeric food identification code.
Food Name Identifies as accurately as possible the food or beverage consumed during the AHS.
Survey flag Identifies foods that are specific to certain components of the AHS such as the National Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey (NNPAS) and the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanded Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey (NATSINPAS).  If the field is blank then the food is relevant to both components of the AHS. 
Total Weight Change (%) Weight change on a percentage basis to account for moisture losses or gains from cooking.
Ingredient ID FSANZ specific 8-digit alpha numeric ingredient identification code.
Ingredient Survey ID AHS specific 8-digit numeric ingredient identification code.
Ingredient Name Identifies as accurately as possible the food or beverage used as the ingredient.
Ingredient Weight (g) Weight of the ingredient in grams.
Ingredient Retention Factor Retention factor identification code.
Note that all ingredients without a retention factor have been allocated an ingredient retention factor of 0 by default.

AUSNUT 2011-13 food retention factor file

The food retention factor file contains information on the nutrient retention factors used in recipe calculations reported in AUSNUT 2011-13, as set out in Table 4.

The nutrient retention factors used in AUSNUT 2011-13 have been derived largely from United States Department of Agriculture databases.

Table 4: Summary of information included in the Retention Factor File

Column heading Description of data
Retention Factor ID Numeric retention factor identification code.
Retention Factor Description Name commonly used to describe the food and preparation/cooking method.
Original USDA Retention Factor Description The retention factor description as originally reported in the USDA database.
Nutrient Name Describes the full nutrient name the retention factor is related to e.g. Thiamin. A value is then provided for each retention factor and nutrient.

AUSNUT 2011-13 food measures database file

The food measures database contains information on 16,152 commonly reported measures for foods consumed during the 2011-13 Australian Health Survey (AHS) as set out in Table 5.

Table 5: Summary of information included in the Measures Database File

Column Heading Description of data
Food ID FSANZ specific 8-digit alpha numeric food identification code.
Survey ID AHS specific 8-digit numeric food identification code.
Food Name Identifies as accurately as possible the food or beverage consumed during the AHS.
Survey flag Identifies foods that are specific to certain components of the AHS such as the National Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey (NNPAS) and the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanded Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey (NATSINPAS).  If the field is blank then the food is relevant to both components of the AHS. 
Measure ID FSANZ specific 5 digit numeric measure identification code.
Quantity The number of food measures, for example 1
Measure Descriptor 1 The major measure descriptor, for example biscuit
Measure Descriptor 2 The sub-major measure descriptor, for example round or square
Measure Descriptor 3 The minor measure descriptor, for example regular or mini
Measure Descriptor 4 The brand specific measure descriptor, for example all brands or Arnott's
Gram Weight The mass of the food measure in grams.
Volume The volume of the food measure in milliliters if applicable.
Measure Derivation Describes where the measure came from. Includes descriptions such as Label Data, Borrowed, Imputed, Estimated etc.
Measure Deviation Description More detailed description of the measure derivation. Includes information on how the measure was estimated or from which product label the measure was taken.

AUSNUT 2011-13 dietary supplement details file

The dietary supplement details file contains non-nutrient information on the 2,163 dietary supplements consumed during the 2011-13 Australian Health Survey (AHS) as set out in Table 6.

Table 6: Summary of information included in the 'Dietary Supplement Details File'

Column heading Description of data
Dietary supplement ID  AHS specific dietary supplement identification code.
Dietary Supplement Name Name commonly used to describe the dietary supplement.
Dose Units Describes the form in which the dietary supplement is typically supplied e.g. tablet or capsule.
Classification code AHS specific 5-digit numeric classification code
Classification sub-group name AHS specific 5-digit classification group name
Inclusions Provides detailed information about how the dietary supplement was used for coding during the AHS.

AUSNUT 2011-13 dietary supplement nutrient database

The dietary supplement nutrient database contains information on the nutrient content of each of the 2,163 dietary supplements consumed during the 2011-13 Australian Health Survey (AHS), as set out in Table 7.

The file contains 35 nutrient values reported for each dietary supplement. Each nutrient value is presented on a per dosage unit basis.

Table 7: Summary of information included in the Dietary Supplement File

Column Heading Description of data
Dietary Supplement ID AHS specific numeric dietary supplement identification code.
Classification code AHS specific 5-digit numeric classification code
Dietary Supplement Name General name used to describe the dietary supplement. May include information on the general category description, brand and dose.
Nutrient Name (units) Describes the full nutrient name of each of the nutrients e.g. 'Calcium' and includes the units the nutrient is presented in e.g. '(mg)' for milligrams. A value is then provided for each dietary supplement and nutrient.

AUSNUT 2011-13 dietary supplement recipe file

The dietary supplement recipe file contains information about the ingredients used to create nutrient profiles for 'not further defined' dietary supplements in AUSNUT 2011-13, as set out in Table 8.

Table 8: Summary of information included in the Recipe File

Column Heading Description of data
Dietary Supplement ID AHS specific numeric dietary supplement identification code.
Classification code AHS specific 5-digit numeric classification code
Dietary Supplement Name General name used to describe the dietary supplement. May include information on the general category description, brand and dose.
Ingredient Survey ID AHS specific numeric dietary supplement identification code.
Ingredient Name Identifies as accurately as possible the food or beverage used as the ingredient.
Ingredient Weight (g) Weight of the ingredient in grams.
Dosage unit Describes the form in which the dietary supplement is typically supplied e.g. tablet or capsule

AUSNUT 2011-13 food and dietary supplement classification system

The food and dietary supplement classification system files contains information about the groups used for grouping foods and dietary supplements consumed during the 2011-13 Australian Health Survey (AHS) for reporting purposes, as set about in table 9.

Table 9: Summary of information included in the Food and Dietary Supplement Classification System

Column Heading Description of data
Food Group code AHS specific 2, 3 or 5 digit numeric classification code. 2 digit codes represent major food groups, 3 digit codes represent sub-major food groups.
Food Group and Sub-group Name General name used to describe the classification code.

2011-13 AHS and 1995 NNS food classification concordance file

This file cross references food groups reported in the 2011-13 Australian Health Survey with food groups reported in the 1995 National Nutrition Survey (NNS).

The file was developed to allow users to compare consumption between the two surveys. For each 3 digit group in the 2011-13 AHS classification, the file identifies the corresponding 1995 NNS groups or individual foods. Note that in some cases, a 1995 group has been split between 2011-13 AHS groups.

Column Heading Description of data
2011-13 Sub-major Food Group code AHS specific 3 digit numeric classification code. 3 digit codes represent sub-major food groups.
2011-13 Sub-major food group name General name used to describe the classification code.
1995 Food group code or food code 1995 NNS specific 3, 4 or 8 digit numeric classification code. 3 digit codes represent sub-major food groups. 4 digit codes represent minor food groups. 8 digit codes represent individual foods
1995 food group name or food name General name used to describe the classification code.

AUSNUT 2011-13 - AUSNUT 1999 matching file

This file cross references foods reported in AUSNUT 2011-13 with foods reported in AUSNUT 1999. 

The file was developed to allow users to compare individual foods reported between the two surveys. The file does not contain a match for every food reported.

Column Heading Description of data
AHS Food ID FSANZ specific 8-digit alpha numeric food identification code.
AHS Survey ID AHS specific 8-digit numeric food identification code.
AHS Food Name Identifies as accurately as possible the food or beverage consumed during the AHS.
1995 NNS Survey ID 1995 NNS specific 8-digit numeric food identification code
1995 NNS Food Name Identifies as accurately as possible the food or beverage consumed during the 1995 NNS.
Page last updated: 27 April 2016