
Strangelove Beverage Company Pty Ltd are conducting a recall of the above product(s). The product(s) have been available for sale in Coles, Woolworths, Independent retailers, Dan Murphys, BWS, First Choice, Liquorland and Vintage Cellars in NSW, ACT, QLD, VIC, TAS, SA, NT, and WA. These products were also available online.
Date marking:
Best Before: (180ml) 23/05/2026, 31/07/2026
Best Before: (540ml) 05/01/2026, 09/02/2026, 19/03/2026, 04/05/2026, 29/05/2026
This recall is due to unintended fermentation.
Food safety hazard:
Food products containing excess alcohol and carbonation may result in bottle breakage or popping caps, and illness/injury.
What to do:
Consumers should not drink or open this product and should dispose of it safely. Please contact StrangeLove Beverages for safe disposal instructions and reimbursement. Any consumers concerned about their health should seek medical advice.
For further information please contact:
Strangelove Beverage Company Pty Ltd