The purpose of this application is to seek approval for food derived from herbicide-tolerant corn line MON87429, genetically modified to provide resistance to dicamba, glufosinate, 2,4-D and the aryloxyphenoxypropionate group of herbicides ('FOPs'). MON87429 is also genetically modified to provide tissue-specific resistance to glyphosate to facilitate the production of hybrid seeds.
Approval Report (pdf 964 kb) | (word 190 kb)
Supporting document 1 - Food technology and safety assessment at Approval (pdf 1.04mb) | (word 1.65mb)
Call for submissions - 26 March 2020 (pdf 823 kb) |
(word 126 kb)
Supporting document 1 - Food technology and safety assessment (pdf 2.43 mb) |
(word 1.64 mb)
Administrative Assessment Report - 20 December 2019 (pdf 291 kb) | (word 67 kb)
Application: (pdf 4.5 mb)
Executive Summary (pdf 110 kb)
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Last updated: 22 June