Application A1061 - Amylomaltase as a Processing Aid (Enzyme)


This Application seeks to permit the use of a new enzyme processing aid, amylomaltase sourced from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens containing the gene for amylomaltase isolated from Thermus thermophilis (for use to produce modified starch products as an ingredient in dairy products).

Approval Report - 26 March 2012 (pdf 198kb) | (word 196 kb)

Submissions (zip file 501 kb) - received on the below report.

Assessment Report - 2 November 2011 (pdf 162 kb) | (word 213 kb)

Administrative Assessment Report - 16 June 2011 (pdf 109 kb)

Application (zip file 18.4 mb - pt 1) | (zip file 27.4 mb - pt 2)