Second call for submissions
FSANZ released the second call for submissions on the assessment of Proposal P1028 from 26 April to 7 July 2023. At this time, FSANZ sought comment on the proposed draft variation to the Code. This included amendments to Standard 2.9.1 and consequential amendments to Schedule 29 and other standards and schedules relevant to infant formula products. The second call for submissions, associated supporting documents and the submissions received are available below.
- Second call for submissions (pdf 1.75 mb)
- Supporting Document 1 - Food technology (pdf 770 kb)
- Supporting Document 2 - Nutrient composition (pdf 1.11 mb)
- Supporting Document 3 - Labelling (pdf 893 kb)
- Attachment 1 to SD3 - Consumer evidence stage labelling and proxy advertising (pdf 467 kb)
- Attachment 2 to SD3 - Analysis of current stage labelling and proxy advertising (pdf 520 kb)
- Supporting Document 4 - Costs and benefits (pdf 638 kb)
Due to the breadth and complexity of the regulatory requirements for infant formula products, FSANZ responded to questions from stakeholders in order to provide clarification about matters relating to the second call for submissions. This clarification is provided in the document below.
First call for submissions
FSANZ invited written submissions on the assessment of Proposal P1028 - Infant formula. Submissions closed 17 June 2022. The assessment summarised our considerations to date and presented preferred options for potential amendments to Standard 2.9.1, Schedule 29, and other standards relevant to infant formula product requirements.
- First call for submissions (pdf 717 kb)
- Supporting Document 1 - Safety and food technology (pdf 541 kb)
- Attachment to SD1 - Microbiological safety of PIF (pdf 150 kb)
- Supporting Document 2 - Nutrient composition (pdf 513 kb)
- Supporting Document 3 - Labelling for provision of information (pdf 281 kb)
- Attachment to SD3 - Consumer research on infant formula labelling (pdf 320 kb)
- Supporting Document 4 - Special medical purpose formula for infants (composition and labelling) (pdf 240 kb)
- Supporting Document 5 - Costs and benefits (pdf 153 kb)
- Supporting Document 6 - Assessment against the Ministerial Policy Guidelines (pdf 137 kb)
- Stakeholder feedback summary (pdf 287 kb)
- Submissions (zip 20.1 mb)
2021 Consultation Paper 3
FSANZ consulted on the regulatory framework and definitions from 8 September to 20 October 2021.
- Consultation Paper 3 - Regulatory framework and definition (pdf 631 kb)
- Submissions (zip 6.32 mb)
2021 Consultation Paper 2
FSANZ consulted on the nutrient composition requirements from 8 July to 2 September 2021.
- Consultation Paper 2 - Nutrient composition (pdf 1.05 mb)
- Supporting Document 1 - Nutrition assessment (pdf 485 kb)
- Submissions (zip 7.26 mb)
2021 Consultation Paper 1
FSANZ consulted on safety and food technology requirements from 21 May to 7 July 2021.
- Consultation Paper 1 - Safety and food technology (pdf 715 kb)
- Supporting Document 1 - Food additives (pdf 694 kb)
- Supporting Document 2 - L-lactic acid producing microorganisms (pdf 369 kb)
- Supporting Document 3 - Review of powdered infant formula effect of storage temperature (pdf 185 kb)
- Supporting Document 4 - Consumer research (pdf 437 kb)
- Submissions (zip 6.06 mb)
2017 Consultation - IFPSDU
FSANZ consulted on the requirements for infant formula products for special dietary use from 3 August to 28 September 2017.
2016 Consultation - Infant formula
FSANZ consulted on the preliminary consideration of issues related to infant formula regulation from 23 February to 31 May 2016.
- Consultation Paper - 23 February 2016 (pdf 749 kb) (includes Attachment 1 - Summary of questions for submitters) (as at 4 May 2016)
- Attachment A1.1 - Nutrition assessment (pdf 1253 kb)
2013 Administrative Assessment Report
2013 Administrative Assessment Report
2012 Preliminary review
2012 Preliminary review - Regulation of Infant Formula Products in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code
Additional information
- Education material for consumers, industry, health practitioners, pharmacies and jurisdictions can be viewed at our infant formula products page.
- Standard 2.9.1 was originally developed through Proposal P93, gazetted in 2002. This proposal can be viewed at Proposal P93.