Proposal P290 - Food Safety Programs for Catering Operations to the General Public


In September 2024, the FSANZ Board rejected Proposal P290- Food Safety Programs for Catering Operations to the General Public. The Board concluded the proposal had been superseded by Proposal P1053 which led to the inclusion in the Food Standards Code of Standard 3.2.2A – Food Safety Management Tools.

The intent of P290 and its associated draft standard 3.3.2 – Food Safety Programs for Catering Operations were no longer required as the revised management tools under Standard 3.2.2A would apply to catering operations.  These tools are targeted and risk-commensurate measures applying to the food service and related sectors to strengthen food safety and reduce foodborne illness.  They must be applied by food businesses depending on the risk of their food and handling activities.


Below is a chronology of policy and standards development on strengthening food safety management in the food service sector, starting with the most recent activities.  More detailed information about P1053 Food Safety Management tools is under that proposal. 

In 2022, FSANZ Board approved Standard 3.2.2A which came into force on 8 December 2023. This standard contains regulatory measures that target high-risk activities in the food service sector, which includes caterers. With the completion of this work, FSANZ resumed its consideration of P290. 

In 2018, noting the number of foodborne illness outbreaks in Australia, food ministers requested FSANZ review food safety risk management in the food service sector, including caterers. A new proposal - P1053 Food Safety Management tools commenced to consider appropriate and proportionate food safety management tools for these sectors, using revised 2011 Ministerial Policy Guidelines.  

In December 2011, a new Ministerial Policy Guideline on Food Safety Management for General Food Service and Related Retail Sectors was endorsed by The Legislative and Governance Forum on Food Regulation (as the Food Ministers Forum was then called). Work on P290 remained on hold during this time. 

In 2009, food ministers agreed in-principle to review the policy guideline on food safety management in Australia (in May). Consequently, FSANZ paused P290 and the draft catering standard pending the outcomes of the review. The ministers agreed (in October) for the Food Regulation Standing Committee (FRSC) to undertake the review. 

In 2005–2007, FSANZ received advice from FRSC and consulted with its standard advisory group and state and territory governments, to address outstanding issues with P290. A proposed draft standard 3.3.2 – Food Safety Programs for Catering Operations and accompanying Draft Assessment Report were released in December 2007 for public comment until March 2008. 

In May 2004, FSANZ prepared Proposal P290 - Food Safety Programs for Catering Operations to the General Public in accordance with the Ministerial Policy Guidelines for Food Safety Management in Australia. P290 proposed catering businesses in Australia must comply with Standard 3.2.1 Food Safety Programs in Chapter 3 of the Code. 

To assist in the standard development process, FSANZ established an advisory group of representatives from consumers, the food service industry and Australian and state and territory governments. This group provided advice on, and insight into, the operations of the catering industry and its current food safety management. 

FSANZ released an Initial Assessment Report for stakeholders to comment on and supply information regarding the proposed mandatory application of Standard 3.2.1 to catering operations serving food to the general public. The report details the rationale for mandating Standard 3.2.1, including scientific assessment and cost-benefit analyses provided by the National Risk Validation Project and the Allen Report.  

The comments received on this initial report identified issues that were difficult to resolve. Examples of these issues were clarification of the specific types of food businesses the standard would apply to and how restaurant-type businesses would be excluded.

Assessment reports

Final Assessment Report – 25 September 2024 [word | pdf 306kb]

P290 Draft Assessment Report - 12 December 2007 [ word | pdf 334kb ] 

P290 Initial Assessment Report - 26 May 2004 [ word | pdf 239kb ] 

For P1053 assessment reports, refer to Proposal P1053 - Food Safety Management tools.