Interim FSANZ CEO arrangements announced

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) today announced interim CEO arrangements.
Dr Sandra Cuthbert, a former FSANZ General Manager, commenced as interim CEO on 9 August 2021 following the departure of Adjunct Professor Mark Booth.
Prof Booth finished at FSANZ on 6 August to take up a role in the private sector.  
FSANZ Board Acting Chair Steve McCutcheon welcomed Dr Cuthbert's interim appointment.
“Dr Cuthbert brings a wealth of experience to the role, including managing FSANZ stakeholder engagement, corporate and food safety functions between 2018 and 2021,” Mr McCutcheon said.
“Most recently Dr Cuthbert led the Commonwealth-State Relations Branch within the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet where she supported National Cabinet and fostered strong relationships while challenging priorities were progressed.
“The FSANZ Board is pleased to welcome Dr Cuthbert back to FSANZ as interim CEO.”
Mr McCutcheon thanked Prof Booth for his service to the agency.
“Prof Booth ably led FSANZ over the last four-and-a-half years, leaving the agency in a strong position to meet the challenges and opportunities of the future.
“On behalf of the Board I wish Prof Booth all the best with his move to the private sector.”
Dr Cuthbert will remain in the role until a recruitment process is completed.  

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