Call for comment on proposal to vary maximum residue limits of agvet chemicals in foods


Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) is calling for comment on a proposal to amend the schedule for agricultural and veterinary (agvet) chemicals in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (the Code).

Schedule 20 of the Code lists the maximum levels of residues of agvet chemicals that are allowed, in or on foods. FSANZ is proposing amendments to Schedule 20 after consideration of maximum residue limits (MRLs): 

  • adopted at the 2023 Codex Alimentarius Commission meeting, 
  • requested by stakeholders seeking alignment with standards set by international trading partners, and
  • to reflect changes in agvet chemical use in Australia as requested by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA). 

The proposed MRL changes would permit the sale of foods containing legitimate residues of agvet chemicals at levels consistent with the effective control of pests and diseases. Residues at these levels were assessed by FSANZ and pose no concern to public health and safety of Australian consumers. 

The proposal relates to Australia only.

To have your say about this proposal, visit the FSANZ Consultation Hub. Submissions close at 6pm (AEDT) 29 October 2024. 

What happens to my feedback?

FSANZ will consider all feedback received through this submission process before deciding on whether to approve this proposal. 

Submissions will be published to our website as soon as possible at the end of the public comment period. 

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