Call for comment on the use of vitamin K2 in food for special medical purposes


Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) is calling for comment on an application to amend the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code to include vitamin K2 as a permitted form of vitamin K in Food for Special Medical Purposes (FSMP).  

If approved, vitamin K2 (as menaquinone-7) would be added to the Code for use as a form of vitamin K in FSMP. 

FSANZ has considered the bioavailability, nutritional equivalence and safety of vitamin K2 for use in FSMP. Based on the available evidence, FSANZ considers vitamin K2 to be a safe and bioavailable form of vitamin K. 

The draft variation, if approved, would list vitamin K2 for use in FSMP in accordance with the Code. No further changes have been proposed to the existing compositional, labelling or other requirements for FSMP. 

To have your say about this proposal, visit the FSANZ Consultation Hub. Submissions close at 6pm (AEDT) 11 October 2024.  

What happens to my feedback? 

FSANZ will consider all feedback received through this submission process before deciding on whether to approve the application.  

Submissions will be published to our website as soon as possible at the end of the public comment period.  

More information 

Media contact 

  • 0401 714 265 (Australia)