Call for comment on defining added sugars for making claims about food


Date: 11/09/2023

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) is calling for comment on a proposal to clarify and define added sugars for the purposes of making claims about food.

FSANZ has prepared Proposal P1062 – Defining added sugars for claims to consider and assess changes to 'no added sugar(s)' nutrition content claim conditions in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (the Code).

FSANZ CEO Dr Sandra Cuthbert said the Code permits voluntary 'no added sugar' claims to be made on foods

“Australian and New Zealand food ministers have asked FSANZ to ensure voluntary no added sugar claims align with Australian and New Zealand dietary guidelines to help consumers make informed decisions in line with these guidelines," Dr Cuthbert said. 

“Australian dietary guidelines recommend limiting intake of foods and drinks containing added sugars, while New Zealand guidelines recommend choosing and/or preparing foods and drinks with little or no added sugars."

Dr Cuthbert said FSANZ had worked with Australian and New Zealand food and health authorities and used the best available evidence to develop proposed Code amendments.

“These amendments seek to clarify no added sugar(s) claim conditions to support consumers to make informed decisions about sugar in their diet," Dr Cuthbert said.

“We encourage consumers and stakeholders to have their say on the proposed changes during our public consultation period."

The period for comment closes at 6pm (Canberra time) on Tuesday 3 October 2023.

What happens to my feedback?

We will publish all submissions to our website as soon as possible at the end of the public comment period.

All feedback will be considered by FSANZ before making a decision on whether to approve the proposal.

Our decision will be notified to ministers responsible for food regulation who can ask for a review or agree to include the amendment in the Food Standards Code.

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