First call for comment on permitting the use of cultured quail as a novel food


​Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) is undertaking the first round of public consultation on an application to amend the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (the Code) to permit the use of cultured quail cells as a novel food.  

This is the first cell-cultured food application to be assessed in Australia and New Zealand. 

The application is from Vow Group Pty Ltd who are seeking approval to allow the use of cultured quail cells originating from quail as an ingredient in food products.  

This first call for submissions seeks views on FSANZ’s risk assessment which focussed on the first three stages of cell-based food production – cell line, method of production and cell harvest.  

The assessment found the cultured quail cell line is genetically stable and microbiological risks with cell line sourcing and harvest are very low. 

FSANZ also found no toxicological, nutritional safety or food allergenicity concerns associated with the consumption of the cultured quail cells.   

FSANZ looked at the labelling requirements for this product including undertaking research into consumer perceptions of cell-based food and associated terminology. The first call for submissions proposes the term ‘cell-cultured’ be used in labelling of the product. 

FSANZ is assessing this application under its Major Procedure which requires two rounds of public consultation.  

Following consideration of submissions to this first call for submissions (CFS), any proposed measure to amend the Code will be released for public consultation through a second CFS in 2024.   

To have your say, see the A1269 Cultured Quail as a Novel Food consultation on the FSANZ Consultation Hub.  Submissions close 6pm (AEST time) 5 February 2024. 

What happens to my feedback?  

Submissions will be published to our website as soon as possible after the end of the public comment period. 

FSANZ will consider all feedback received through this submission process before developing a second CFS to be released in 2024, which will include drafting. 

FSANZ’s decision following the second CFS will be notified to ministers responsible for food regulation who can ask for a review or agree that the standard should become law.  

More information on making your submission and the consultation documents are available on the FSANZ Consultation Hub

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