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FSANZ surveys

Completed ISFR food surveys


Published Survey Lead agency
2023 Survey of Low-THC Hemp Food Products  NSW FA
2019 Coordinated survey of alcohol content and labelling of fermented soft drinks VIC
2016 On-farm food safety practices survey of strawberry growing in Victoria 2016 FSANZ/DEDJTR FSANZ/DEDJTR
2015 Survey of the trans fatty acid (TFA) content of Australian and New Zealand foods 2015 FSANZ FSANZ
2014 Combined survey and risk assessment for cyanogenic glycosides 20 FSANZ /
2014 National Surveillance Program for Genetically Modified Foods NSWFA
2013 Survey of inorganic arsenic in seaweed and seaweed-containing products available in Australia FSANZ
2012 Prevalence of Salmonella and E. coli in ready to eat nuts and nut products sold in Australia NSWFA
2012 Survey of sulphites in sausages, cordial and dried fruit FSANZ
2011 23rd Australian Total Diet Study FSANZ
2011 Survey of iodine in seaweed and seaweed containing products FSANZ
2010 Baseline survey on the prevalence and concentration of Salmonella and Campylobacter in chicken meat on-farm and at primary processing FSANZ
2010 Survey of beverages enriched with seaweed FSANZ
2010 National coordinated survey of melamine in food and beverages FSANZ
2010 Microbiological survey of fresh horticultural produce in Australia 2005-2007 FSANZ
2010 Survey of spices for the presence of pathogens in Australia (pdf 141kb) Victorian Department of Health
2009 Report on 2009 trans fatty acid survey - analytical results (pdf 163kb) NSWFA
2008 22nd Australian Total Diet Study FSANZ
2008 Report on food handling practices and microbiological quality of sushi in Australia  

Completed ATDS

Surveillance and monitoring undertaken by other Australian government agencies

Other Australian food regulatory agencies undertake regular monitoring activities that may inform FSANZ's standards setting process.

For example, the Department of Agriculture conducts the National Residue Survey (NRS). In this survey, food for export is tested for residues of agriculture and veterinary chemicals and environmental contaminants.

The Department also administers the Imported Food Inspection Scheme (IFIS). The IFIS monitors food imported into Australia to ensure it meets Australian requirements for public health and safety and is compliant with the Code. Read more about the Imported Food Inspection Scheme on the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment website.

Occasionally, state and territory governments undertake targeted surveys of food to ensure it is safe and complies with food standards.

Page last updated: 14 November 2023