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  1. Food Standards Australia New Zealand (2014). Development of additional nutrient profiles for foods and beverages consumed in the NNPAS, FSANZ Canberra, Australia.
  2. NHMRC (2013) Eat for Health. Australian Dietary Guidelines. Summary. Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra.
  3. NHMRC (2011) A Modelling System to Inform the Revision of the Australian Guide to Health Eating, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra.
  4. Food Standards Australia New Zealand (2009) Principles and Practices of Dietary Exposure Assessment for Food Regulatory Purposes. August 2009, FSANZ, Canberra
  5. Australian Bureau of Statistics (2014) Australian Health Survey User's Guide, 2011-13 - Discretionary Food List.
Page last updated: 19 May 2016