A1193 - Irradiation as a phytosanitary measure for all fresh fruit and vegetables


The purpose of the application is to extend the option of phytosanitary irradiation to all types of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Approval Report - 12 May 2021(PDF 456 kb) (Word 238 kb)

Appendix 2 (PDF 635 kb) (Word 231 kb)

Appendix 3(PDF 185 kb) (Word 75.7 kb)

Appendix 4(PDF 220 kb) (Word 87.9 kb)

Call for Submissions 30 October 2020

(PDF 980 kb)

(Word 154 kb)

Supporting document - Risk and technical assessment report
(PDF 1.65 mb)
(Word 4.6 mb)


Businesses, Groups, Organisations(ZIP 28.6mb)

Private Individuals (ZIP 35.5mb)

Campaign letter (PDF 109kb)

The public call for comment has closed. See Notification Circular 144-20.

Administrative Assessment Report - 7 January 2020

(PDF 175 kb)
| (Word 64 kb)

Executive Summary

(PDF 338 kb)

(PDF 5 mb)

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