Sports Foods Consumption in Australia and New Zealand (2013)


(July 2017)

The quantitative research described in this
report is the second of two related pieces of work undertaken by FSANZ with
users of sports-related food products. The initial research, undertaken in
mid-2010, used a set of focus groups to provide qualitative information on
consumer attitudes and behaviours towards sports-related food products. This
research assisted in scoping and designing the current research.

This piece of research, conducted in 2012,
used a telephone survey to collect data from a simple random sample of
Australians and New Zealanders aged 15 years or older to understand the
socio-demographic characteristics and consumption behaviours of sports-related
food products. Respondents either answered a short or long form survey based on
whether they had or had not used sports food products in the previous 4 weeks.
In Australia there were 5,001
interviews completed and 5,002 interviews were completed in New Zealand. The
research informs the review of Standard 2.9.4 - Formulated Supplementary Sports

More information

consumer research investigating the use of formulated supplementary sports foods