(August 2010)
In 2010, Colmar Brunton Research was commissioned by FSANZ to conduct research investigating the cognitive and behaviour approaches to purchasing and consuming sports foods and sports drinks. The findings inform the risk analysis processes required in the review of Standard 2.9.4 Formulated Supplementary Sports Foods. A series of ten 90 minute face-to-face focus groups, with segmented groups, were conducted across Australia and New Zealand. Participant groups included: people consuming sports foods and drinks and engaging in physical activity; people not engaging in physical activity and still consuming sports foods and sports drinks; and parents of children (aged under 15 years) consuming sports products.
The key objective for this qualitative research was to provide introductory exploratory qualitative consumer research to inform decision-making processes in the review of formulated supplementary sports foods regulation.
Download: consumer Research Investigating the Use of Formulated Supplementary Sports Foods (pdf 1.1mb) | (word 4.3mb)