The purpose of this Proposal is to allow for specific exemptions from allergen declarations for glucose syrups from wheat starch, fully refined soy oil, soy derivatives (tocopherols and phytosterols), and distilled alcohol from wheat or whey.
Approval Report - 17 March 2016 (pdf 415 kb) | (word 174 kb)
- Supporting document 1 - Risk assessment (at Approval) (pdf 689 kb) | (word 297 kb)
- Supporting document 3 - Summary of submissions (pdf 405 kb) | (word 116 kb)
Submissions (zip file 8093 kb) | Late comment (zip file 2335 kb)
Call for submissions 12 August 2015 (pdf 228 kb) | (word 166 kb)
- Supporting document 1 - Risk assessment (pdf 303 kb) | (word 286 kb)
- Supporting document 2 - International exemptions (pdf 40 kb) | (word 77 kb)
Administrative Assessment Report - 2 May 2014 (pdf 154 kb) | (word 63 kb)